RBO was registered with the Ministry of Justice on August 3, 2017.
The RBO was accepted into the International Balint Federation in October 2021.
Upcoming events
Certified Managers of Balint groups of RBO
Conducting Balint groups, supervision and psychotherapy practice in person and online in Moscow.
Contacts: +7(915)282-28-63
I will lead the Balinto groups in a remote format once a month, оn Thursdays, for 1.5-3 hours.
Contact Information:
Phone: .+7(985)-700-78-87
Whatsapp: +89852895329
Individual and group counseling
Leader of Balint groups
Membership in psychological communities
Full member of the Professional Psychotherapeutic League
Member of the Committee on the Balint Movement of the Professional Psychotherapeutic League
Member of the Russian Balint Society.
Member of the League of Emotional and Imaginative Therapy
The official teacher of the interregional level of the PPL
Education and certificates
Consultant psychologist, psychology teacher
Leader of Balint groups of International level
The main areas of counseling
Crises in personal, family and professional relationships
Psychological and psychosomatic problems
Emotional and professional burnout
Conducting Balint groups
Experience: 10 years
Contact information:
tel. +8 (905) 701-97-73
She has a long-term certified training in catathymic-imaginative therapy (working with the subconscious, trance and imagination), Gestalt therapy, new German medicine. uses an integrative approach.
She is a full member of the OPPL, the Russian Balint Society, and a certified leader of the Balint groups.
Contacts Tel. +79038484292 (whatsapp, viber, telegram)
Page in contact: isachenkova58
• Accredited, certified leader of Balint groups
• Member of the Russian Balint Society
• Full member of the Professional Psychotherapeutic League (OPPL).
We invite everyone who is interested in stress prevention, wants to reduce the level of emotional stress, professional burnout, feel collegial support, and increase competence in interpersonal communication to join the Balint Group!
The Balint group is a method of group training work, an eco–friendly, gentle and very effective way to reduce professional stress and emotional burnout. This is a professional psycho-hygiene, work with emotions, experiences arising in professional activity.
For all organizational issues, please contact us by personal message:
+7 920 000 74 32 (Viber, WhatsApp, Telegram)
Accredited leader of Balint groups
Member of the Russian Balint Society
Full member of the Russian Professional Psychotherapeutic League
State level coach of the Russian Professional Psychotherapeutic League
Laureate of the National psychological competition "Golden Psyche"
Psychologist of the Institute of secondary vocational education them. K.D. Ushinsky Moscow State Autonomous Educational Institution of Higher Education
Telegram: @MentalCo
The watches of the Balint group are confirmed by the OPPL certificate
It is possible to count the hours of participation in the Balint group in 1 training module per head of the Balint groups
I invite you to develop the Balint movement together
Group start in September
Leading Balint groups
Strizhakova Elena Valerievna:
Master in Psychology
Practicing psychologist
Full member of the OPPL
Training personal therapist
Chairman of the regional branch of the Russian Balint Society in the Republic of Belarus
Accredited leader and teacher of Balint groups
Specialization: family systems therapy, emotional-figurative therapy, transactional analysis
The Balint group is a mild but very effective method of reducing professional stress and emotional burnout.
Develops the analytical thinking of a specialist, teaches how to form hypotheses and build a strategy for working with a client.
Helps to see blind spots in working with a client, look at yourself and the client in 3D.
In a safe space, respond to suppressed feelings, emotions.
The real Balint group works for psychologists of various modalities, psychiatrists and specialists in other helping professions. It is of great value both for beginners in order to form professional competencies, and for experienced colleagues, as an opportunity to improve the quality of their work, understand their client, update their feelings and prevent emotional burnout.
Closed group, will work from September to June (inclusive) 2024
The duration of the group meeting is 2.5-3 hours, twice a month, Monday from 14-00 to 17-00 Moscow time (dates to be confirmed)
Cost for one participation in the group - 1200 ₽ (1 meeting)
You can sign up for a group by phone: +7 (914) 983-37-15 (Telegram, Viber, WhatsApp)
See you in the group!
educational psychologist; clinical psychologist of the Palliative care
Department of the Novosibirsk Clinical District Hospital No. 1; Full
member of the OPPL; Teacher of the International level of the OPPL;
member of the Russian Balint Society; Lider of Balint groups at the
Regional level; member of theSand Therapy Association.
Balint groups: Novosibirsk and online.
Phone: +79138960869
Associate Professor of the Academy of the Penitentiary System of the Russian Federation. Previously, I worked at medical and law universities, in state narcological clinics (including the office of the chief narcologist of the Russian Federation), in the penitentiary system (5 years) in the rehabilitation department for addicts in prison.
Tel.: +79057631028 (WhatsApp, Telegramm)
Online groups:
- 1 time a month on Tuesdays from 10-00 to 12-00,
- 2 times a month on Saturdays from 10-00 to 12-00
Full-time groups Moscow, M. Chistye Prudy, Krivokolenny lane.:
- daytime on Wednesdays 1 time a month from 12-00 to 15-00;
- evening 1 time a month on Mondays from 18 to 21.
Full-time groups in Zelenograd:
- daytime on Tuesdays 2 times a month from 16-00 to 18-00;
- Wednesday evening 1 time a month from 18-00 to 21-00.
Writing to groups:
тел. +7-910-414-20-12
certified head of psychoanalytic and Balint groups at the national level,
General Director of the Center for Practical Psychology "Perception",
lecturer at the Moscow Institute of Psychoanalysis,
Senior researcher at the Institute of Experimental Psychology of MGPPU,
an active member of the All-Russian Professional Psychotherapeutic League (OPPL),
a member of the Russian Balint Society (RBO)
Balint and psychoanalytic groups are conducted online and offline in Moscow at the Center for Practical Psychology "Perception", at the address: Leningradsky Prospekt 7, office 311, Belorusskaya metro station
Mob. tel.: +7 (915) 115-65-82 (WhatsApp, Telegram, Skype)
2. Certified Supervisor-Head of the Balint Groups of the International Level of the PPL and the Russian Balint Society (RBS).
3. Member of the German Balint Society (Deutsche Section der International Balint Federation).
4. Balint's groups - face-to-face in Moscow and on-line.
5. Accredited supervisor of PPL (individual supervision of psychotherapeutic and psychological practice, group polymodal supervision).
6. Psychoanalytic psychotherapist. Specialist of the European Confederation of Psychoanalytic Psychotherapy (ECPP).
7. Group psychoanalyst.
8. Group analyst in organizations.
9. Specialist Image therapist of the fourth qualification level of Chinese Image Medicine (Yi Xiang Yi Xue Medicine).
Venue of the Balint groups - Moscow, Belorusskaya station, st. Lesnaya, 43 (in person and online)
The new Balint group enrollment is open.
The beginning of the Balint group (online) - September 07, 2023. The Balint group is held on Thursdays from 13.00 to 15.30 1 time in 2 weeks. The group closes after 3 meetings. The cost of the group is 2000 rubles.
The group invites psychologists, psychotherapists, social workers, doctors, and other specialists in helping professions. Preliminary interview to the group is 15 min online.
full member of the Russian league of professional psychotherapists (PPL),
coach of the national level of the PPL,
accredited psychologist-consultant (by PPL),
сertified personal therapist at the regional level,
сertified head of the Balint group,
Member of the Balint Society of the Great Britain
I participate in the project "Balint group for the psychiatrists, medical psychologists and medical nurses"
I coordinate the Balint group in Moscow (Belorusskaya Metro station)
In case of any questions contact me:
10-year teaching experience in the Federal State Autonomous Educational Institution of Higher Education «I.M. Sechenov
First Moscow State Medical University of the Ministry of Health of the Russian Federation (Sechenov Univesity)
medical psychologist №1 psychiatric clinical hospital after Alexeev N.A., Moscow Healthcare Department
certified psychologist-consultant (certificate of the All-Russian Professional Psychotherapy League (PPL Russia) and Institute
of psychosomatics and psychotherapy in Potsdam, Germany),
International-level certified supervisor-leader of Balint groups (certificate of PPL Russia and the German Balint Society)
member of Germany’s and the UK’s Balint societies,
member of the Russian psychological society (RPS),
the Russian Balint Society presidentпрезидент,
member of the European Federation of Psychological Associations, EFPA,
psychologist’s certificate of EuroPsy, RU-013185, 01.2019),
member of the European Association for Psychotherapy, EAP (psychologist’s European certificate, 0335 ECPgrRU,
member of the World Association for Psychotherapy, WAP (psychologist’s World certificate 056 WCPC gpRU, 09.04.2021),
laureate of the «Golden Psychea» contest,
participant of the «Russia’s 100 psychologists» registry,
organizer of offline and online International Balint conferences.